Rome as a mirror of London The impact of Rome in early modern England was huge not only for what concerned theories, literatures or the English people’s way of thinking but also as a physical manifestation. In this sense, tapestries and effigies had visual images on them, showing some of the most iconic events in […]
Pop Sonnets: Shakespearean poems with a twist
The sixteenth-century rewriting of pop hits as an artistic expression Poetry comes from the Greek ποίησις, poiesis, and means creation. It is an artistic expression according to which, a certain choice of words is arranged following the metric laws that agglomerate them with each other. It is, in a nutshell, a semantic composition of verses […]
Quando il sonetto abbraccia la musica pop
La riscrittura in chiave cinquecentesca dei successi pop della musica contemporanea come espressione artistica. Poesia, viene dal greco ποίησις, poiesis, e significa creazione. Si tratta di un’espressione artistica secondo cui, una determinata scelta di parole si dispone seguendo delle leggi metriche che le agglomerano l’una con l’altra. È, in parole più povere, un componimento semantico fatto […]
Shakespeare e le risorse digitali – seminars by professor Jonathan Hope
Seminars about William Shakespeare held by professor Jonathan Hope In the seminars held by professor Jonathan Hope, we were shown some ways to analyse Shakespeare’s corpus thanks to digital tools. These new means can be very useful to understand how Shakespeare used language in a single text, for example, or in his whole career; synchronically […]
Il tempo e i luoghi della poesia
Traduzione della poesia: perdita e acquisizione La traduzione è un processo che da una lingua all’altra fa perdere sempre qualcosa della lingua di partenza. Sono stati tanti i punti toccati durante l’incontro di novembre “Il tempo e i luoghi della poesia – Riflessioni sulla traduzione di testi in lingua inglese”, che prende il titolo dal […]
Troilus and Cressida: A Translation Exercise
Shakespeare’s Language and a Translation Exercise The purpose of this article is to analyse another section of Shakespeare’s English in a selected excerpt from his Troilus and Cressida, and provide a translation of the passage together with an argumentation of the methodology used during the translation process. The excerpt I decided to translate is taken […]
Intervista a Cynthia Storari – Festival Shakespeare 2018
The Serendipity Periodical ha intervistato Cynthia Storari durante il festival Shakespeare 2018 – Teatro Cometa Off di Roma The Serendipity Periodical ha avuto l’occasione di essere presente agli spettacoli teatrali del teatro Cometa off di Roma patrocinati dal progetto Shakespeare 2018. Dal 17 al 21 ottobre sono state messe in scena 4 opere del bardo rivisitate in […]
William Shakespeare and his myths
About William Shakespeare William Shakespeare, one of the greatest play-writers of all times, poet, actor, dramatist, was born in Stratford-upon-Avon (Warwickshire) in 1564, moved to London in his 20s and began a successful career as an actor and part-owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain’s Men during the reign of Elizabeth I, but […]
Translation of verse 59 to verse 73 of William Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida
Translation of verse 59 to verse 73 of William Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida Introduction It is widely acknowledged that William Shakespeare has been one of the greatest poet and writer of all times. Translating a Shakespearean text is a daunting and laborious task given the nature of the text and the linguistic and intercultural connotations […]
Troilus and Cressida: a translation exercise
The purpose of this article is providing an Italian translation of a scene from one of the most influential Shakespearean works Dated back to 1602, Troilus and Cressida has as particularity two different plots. The first one, which also gives the title to the drama concerns the short but intense love story between Troilus, the […]